link to code

** !please note! Kinect1 needs to run 2 times every time you run the sketch. First time always crashes **

14 sec gifs (2)



Feedback from user: Seb and Eliz

How does it make you want to move?
– They want to make it correct. They try to win the game which is I didn’t create a game.

What contortions are fun to try?
– They don’t feel to do contortions.

What’s fun to do?
– They had fun until they realized that they will never win.
– If the visual changed it could be more fun.

What’s hard to do?
– It all hard to do because they have no idea to play.

Creator of the sketch: What was your intent?
– I tried to change body orientation to spiral. Tracking the depth to change the rotation of spiral. This is my sketch without kinect. (3)

What else could you try?
– color
– add particle system for contour