Designs should help people avoid errors and minimize the
negative consequences of errors when they do occur,
Human error is inevitable, but it need not be catastrophic. Forgiveness in design
helps prevent errors before they occur, and minimizes the negative consequences
of errors when they do occur.

Options on computer menu

Options on computer menu


The garbage in-garbage out principle
Problems of type occur when the incorrect type of input is fed into a system,
such as entering a phone number into a credit card number field.
The best way to avoid garbage out is to prevent garbage in.

Hick’s Law
Hick’s Law states that the time required to make a decision is a function of the
number of available options. It can be used to estimate how long it will take for
people to make a decision when presented with multiple choices. For example,
when a pilot has to press a particular button in response to some event, such as
an alarm, Hick’s Law predicts that the greater the number of alternative buttons,
the longer it will take to make the decision and select the correct one. Hick’s Law
has implications for the design of any system or process that requires simple deciĀ·
sions to be made based on multiple options




Performance load is the degree of mental and physical activity required to achieve
a goal. If the performance load is high, performance time and errors increase, and
the probability of successfu lly accomplishing the goal decreases.
Performance load consists of two
types of loads: cognitive load and kinematic load

Cognitive load is the amount of mental activity- perception, memory, problem
solving – Reduce
cognitive load by eliminating unnecessary information

Kinematic load is the degree of physical activity- number of steps or movements,
or amount of force – Reduce
kinematic load by reducing unnecessary steps in tasks




From all these term of designs, My conclusion is, Human makes mistakes. A good design helps prevent mistakes that might happen all the time. or decrease mistakes