The Nature of Tiri

I love making noise. I love to annoy people. These are the nature of me!!!
I came up with an idea of making an instrument by code. By Clicking, Dragging and Swinging. Not just visualized the sound but you can compose the music by Physics Engine. My display shows what sound is being map with physics.

I got an inspired by Iannis Xenakis – Pithoprakta

Xenakis’s piece used mathematical processing based on probability that generate stochastic elements and statistical mechanics of gasses, Guassian distribution and Brownian Motion.

I use sound library for processing by Beads a library for programming audio in Java for musical. link to webpage

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My piece is based on statistical of gravitational attraction, spring system, box2d and mouse joint to create this sketch. I put the sine wave frequency sound and map to position of mouseClick. I also put the another sine wave frequency sound in distance between attractor and mover. I used frequency Modular sine wave to make sound

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So when you click, the sound change depend on position X,Y. In the same time, The distance between attractor and mover keep changing and produce another sound. If you click to mover(rectangle), Dragged it and hold the spring, It will create the different sound depend by how you holding it.

link to code

Spacial Thanks
Daniel Shiffman
Mimi Yin
Craig Pickard
Yotam Mann
Sebastian Morales