Set up rasberry pi for AIY kit
Follow the website
flashing image from google first

Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 1.41.33 PM

Using itpsandbox
Check wifi
Check audio
Cannot use nyu account
Open chromium
Login to the google api //Only use gmail > you can use google api for free
It will open console.developers
Created new project > rename
Enable (blue button)
it’s gonna show api page
Select google assistant
You have to enable again
Click credentials > create credentials one > select oAuth > should other > rename it
Download api on the right
Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 2.49.19 PM
Rename the file to > assistant.json
Then reboot the pi
Check google api again if you’re still login**
allow these 3 things
Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 2.51.37 PM
Go to file manager > src > example > voice // you gonna see the example
Run python button


Designing part

This week is going to be all fail project…
The first idea, I wanted to create snowboy hotword detector for TiriBot. Here is the fail part that I want to know why.


I created my demo and run the demo script. It still gives me an error. Even I change back to the sample demo, it still errors


I try to run the training script but it also error. I tried to fix the parenthesis it still error

So I go back to use google assistant for this assignment. Here is the test.

I debugging until late night. I think that so true!!!

I still want to explore snowboy and take it further by creating a chatbot for Tiribot. I wanted to put more character to the bot start with my character. I took an idea from last week reading and I like the idea of giving a character to design. I will update this blog post again when I can debug it. Thank you!